Friday, July 25, 2008

The Beginning

I have my own blog site. And what a blog it is, supposedly just to talk about running and partly fitness. These are the only activities I managed to do in my spare time. Not that I am a workaholic or married with 7 kids or something, it is just something which I discovered accidentally. You see, a gym is about to open in the neighbourhood and being a 30++ y.o, I start to search for some kind of healthy activities to compensate my weakened body (due to being ignorant during the heydays...). To make matter worse, I used to smoke, kinda heavy too, almost 2 packs a day and have been doing that for like 10 years. It's a miracle that I finally managed to kick the bad habit away, after trying dozens of time. It was a fasting month, and my wife just gave birth to a baby boy. That's it, I've finally got a reason to quit.

I have not been smoking for like 5 years now, but I dont think my fitness/stamina is getting any better. I've previously tried to jog in a nearby park but after few hundred meters, I started to feel pain all over. Even my legs had it enough. I was even chocking due to dehydration. That was really a bad experience for me and realise that how far behind I've been in terms of tacking good care of my body. later that nite, armed with my trusted credit card (just being unbarred by the bank), I managed to convince myself into signing the membership form. It was like a defining moment for me. But same old same old, 5 months down the road, I have not really picking up much fitness due to undisciplined routine. Mind you, its not that easy to maintain 3 or 4 times visits per week while having a full time job, taking care of not 1 but 2 hyperactive pre-schoolers when your spouse is attending nite classes. Then again, all I did was grumbling and moaning, when in fact it was my body who is not ready for the bruises. Couch potato is a term which is kinda well-accepted by my body those days.

Finally enough is enough, with that kind amount of money coming out from my pocket every month, I thot I should get something out of it. Start with a little discipline, I managed to drag myself into the gym at least 3 times a week. yey. I would spend about 1 1/2 hour per session. That was alright, half an hour on the treadmill, 15 minutes on the rowing machine, half an hour doing the weight training and the rest checking out my body in the mirrors. No no 6 packs yet, not even 2 packs, just one plain old PACK. The pack that have been there since I've become a couch potato
! After couple of week of intensive training (both aerobic & anaerobic exercises) I start to feel something different with the body. Its not about weight, I'm about 56 kgs and 165cm so its pretty much OK in terms of BMI. I feel like getting more stamina and means I'm getting fitter. I used to do 2kms at most for non-stop running. But now, I can run for 4kms without stopping. Man, that was quite an achievement.

Almost 3am now, I gotta end this or else I'll be missing my sleeping and morning exercise too. Just watch out for my next blog, which is aiming for a running competition (which something that I thot I would nevet get involved in this world).